Monday, June 22, 2009

Petrol Sniffing and Dirty Hands (Law 9)

Hey Y'all,

Sorry it has been so long - have been on the road having a great time. Special hello to all in Ayr and St. George. And this week I head off to Gladstone for a show and to speak at a youth conference.

Sorry too about today's topic - pretty much getting back into things with a whack, right?!? well, I got an e-mail today from my mate Ross Harrold. Ross lives in Normanton FNQ where he ministers amongst the indigenous communities up there, and works in the school (where Ross' wife Leigh is principal) in a pastoral/chaplaincy type capacity.

Ross forwarded me an alarming e-mail today and I wanted to share a bit with you. The e-mail came from the Carpentaria Youth Worker, Oliver Wrathall. Be warned that some of the information may be found by some to be distressing. Here's what Oliver wrote:

"I am getting significant feedback from community and Police that sniffing and drug use is increasing amongst youth: specifically, in the age cohort 8 – 13 petrol/solvent use is increasing and in the 13 – 16 age cohort marijuana use is widespread and is being mixed with alcohol use. This confirms my observations.

I think that most sniffing is occurring after school and in the early evening although there is evidence that children who do not attend school are using marijuana during school hours to alleviate ‘boredom’."

He then goes on to outline some programs and interventions he wats to try and implement.

In his e-mail, Ross wrote:

"Hi Everyone,
"This [the e-mail that the exerpt above is from] is from the Council Youth Support officer here in Normanton. I am forwarding it on to you all as a major prayer request for the youth of Normanton. As some of you may be aware Leigh and I are in the process of creating a community hub at the Gulf Christian College and my focus regarding this is to create a Youth Support Team. This Team would run in conjunction with Councils Youth Support Officer numerous Youth events as well as other workshops and support programs. At the moment Oliver is the only person regularly running events to help the Youth in our community and when possible I help out, but with four children, study and School my time is limited and I am not able to help out as much as I would like or as much as is needed.

"So we NEED your help!!!!!

"This is why sending teams to Normanton, even for short term mission trips, is so valuable and important! The opportunities for Christians to make a difference are huge! But the workers are few. So please PRAY FOR US – Myself, Leigh, Oliver and the families and youth of Normanton. It is time for the Church to mobilise and reach out to young people in remote Australia – This is a massive area for Missions.

These young people need to know there is a future for them and a hope in Jesus Christ. Join with us to serve them and show them the Love of God."

Ross Harrold
0402 254 986

I have been talking and talking and talking to Ross for nearly a year now about taking some of my programs up to Normanton for a week or so. Today, I felt ashamed that I was still talking when this is hitting the fan in Normanton.

How typical of me - us - to get so wound up in myself that I forget what is happening in the ral world. When I do, I talk about it 90% of the time. Sure, deep down I think I really mean what I talk, but talking is convenient.

Whereas action - getting my hands dirty - means I have to get out of my comfort and DO something.

If you have my book, read chapter 9 again: The Law of Dirty Hands. It says simply that really following Jesus means getting our hands dirty. Simple as. as they say, talk is cheap...

Well maybe not if it actually leads to some sort of outcome. Which is what Ross' e-mail did to me today. I want to get up there and take my programs and try and go for a week. I am going to need prayer and finances to do it, but we are going to make it happen. If you want to help support this, e-mail me at and we will set you up.

Better still, do as Mother Theresa did - find your Calcutta. Where is God pulling your heart - where does he want you to go so that you can make a difference. It will probably be easy: you talk about it all the time...

Now, stop talking and get your hands dirty.

Nice to be back.

I am now on Twitter:

Cheers and Peace,

Mark G