Hi everyone,
First of all, the support I have felt during the release process of the book has been overwhelming, as have the comments about the book that have been brought back to me. Thank you so much for your support.
Next, life has been HECTIC during the release and as a result, posts have been minimal. I only ask that you forgive me (and thank you for keeping on checking back!) and allow a little grace for me to take some time with my family for a couple of weeks. After Christmas, I will get to making the blog "sing", so please check back in in the new year.
Also, huge apologies for having to adjust the date of the launch. The main launch will now coincide with the beginning of my "17 Laws in 13 Cities in 14 Days" book speaking tour which, after the launch in Toowoomba will take in Armidale, Tamworth, Newcastle, Canberra, Wollongong, Sydney, Gosford, Port Macquarie, Coffs Harbour, Gold Coast, Brisbane and Sunshine Coast. WHEW! All this is pendng finding contacts in each community, so if you know someone, drop me a line at markgladmancomedy@gmail.com, or get them to drop me a line.
Finally, I am excited to say that Koorong Books has just decided to stock the book which will now e available through their stores and online at www.koorong.com.au. This is exciting as it means the book will now have a chance to reach a few more people.
If you want to buy the book and live near a store, drop in and ask for it - they may have to order it in - or go to http://orders.koorong.com/search/details.jhtml?code=9780975768877 and see which stores have it in stock (I only just filled the order yesterday, so it may be a week or so before the stores have it on the shelves, but again, order it and it may get to you sooner). Or you can order it online and have it home delivered. EASY! Tell your friends they can get it at Koorong.
In case I don't get an entry in before, have a great Christmas. I hope the book has challenged you and I will look forward to our conversations really kicking off on the blog in the new year.
Mark G
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Open Invitation to book Launch
The book is now in my hot little hands and I am pleased to open an invitation to all who would like to hear me and others speak on the themes of "17 Irritating Laws..." to attend the book launch.
7pm, Thursday November 27 @ Impact Christian Centre; Northlands Shopping Centre, Toowoomba
RSVP essential to markgladmancomedy@gmail.com by Tuesday November 25.
The book will be available on the night at the cost of $20.
Hope to see you there,
Mark G
7pm, Thursday November 27 @ Impact Christian Centre; Northlands Shopping Centre, Toowoomba
RSVP essential to markgladmancomedy@gmail.com by Tuesday November 25.
The book will be available on the night at the cost of $20.
Hope to see you there,
Mark G
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Pre-Release Purchase Offer Out NOW!!
For full details on the pre-release purchase special offer, click on this link:
and you will find all the details you need to know. Offer ends November 20, so get in FAST! Cheers, Mark G
and you will find all the details you need to know. Offer ends November 20, so get in FAST! Cheers, Mark G
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Back Blurb, Contents and extract from Introduction
Hi All!
The book is on the presses! Follows is the back blurb and the table of contents and an extract from the introduction.
Do me a favour: have a look at the contents and tell me which chapter you'd most like to see featured on the blog in the poll to the right of screen. Voting closes on October 31 and the winning three Laws will be posted from October 31. Thanks for your participation...
Mark G
“Jesus calls us to follow. And we like this. What we don’t like is that there are some things Jesus talks about in following that we would rather not do…”
Everywhere we look information on leadership abounds. But what about what it takes to be a follower? Where can we learn about followship? Christian comedian and speaker, Mark Gladman, challenges us to consider 17 Irritating Laws that Jesus throws up at us as we determine to navigate the journey of Followship.
‘Mark calls us to follow Jesus, not just boast a revivalist experience. Issues that we often avoid are exposed with humour, courage, engaging story-telling, and clarity of mind. This is a necessary and stimulating read.’
John Smith, Founder, Concern Australia and God’s Squad Christian Motorcycle Club, Melbourne
‘In this book Gladman combines his love of comedy, the young, life, theology and the edgy call of Jesus. Like the author, these stories will keep you thinking.’
Mark Beresford, Chaplain, Burgmann Anglican School, Canberra
Foreword by John Smith
Part 1: Setting Off
Law 01: The Law of Beginnings and Endings
Law 02: The Law of ‘God is God’
Law 03: The Law of The Call
Law 04: The Law of Die to Live
Law 05: The Law of Yoda
Law 06: The Law of Burning Beef
Part 2: Walking On
Law 07: The Law of Radical Discipleship
Law 08: The Law of Best-Fit
Law 09: The Law of Dirty Hands
Law 10: The Law of Sheep
Law 11: The Law of Sabbath
Law 12: The Law of Denial
Law 13: The Law of Non-Possession
Law 14: The Law of Mess
Part 3: Striding Out
Law 15: The Law of Tenacity
Law 16: The Law of Aliens
Law 17: The Law of Contentment
Epilogue: When the Rubber Hits the Road – Followship in Action
Honesty forbids me from going any further until I make a confession which I hope not only sets the scene for the rest of this book but also helps you to feel safe and challenged rather than guilty and horrible.
I am a terrible follower.
Everyone who knows me and has worked with me over the past 20 years is breathing a sigh of “Finally, he’s figured it out!” But I am not alone. I would hedge a bet that every person reading these pages, if they were willing to be totally honest and fully transparent, could easily make a similar confession.
Where are the followers?
Very few people have the monopoly on excelling in what I have called followship. Awards are presented to leaders who have changed the world, changed their industries and changed the way we do things. But I know of no award offered anywhere that specifically seeks to identify, celebrate and reward excellent, competent and life transforming following.
If I were to ask you to list some of the world’s most influential leaders, a list could probably be compiled quicker than you could say “Who’s the President of the Soviet Republic this year?” But if we were to go for a list of the world’s most influential followers, would we get past five or ten people? I suppose the question is – is there anyone left who aspires to become the most amazing follower they can be?
Fact is following is hard. Hard not so much because of what a good follower is called to do, but because our human nature doesn’t like to do it. As a result, we tend to place our focus elsewhere. Usually this means equipping ourselves to become better leaders. Leading is easier, or at least it seems that way.
The missing piece
After a time, something in the human soul begins to realise that without following, something’s not quite right. Jesus calls us to follow. And we like this. What we don’t like is that there are some things Jesus talks about in following that we would rather not do.
These little irritating niggles are what this book is all about; niggles that I think are irritating and frustrating principles that face all of us as we seek to be followers. Some of them are attitudinal. Some of them are actions. Some of them are challenges. Some of them are character traits we need to develop. All of them could be hindrances to the most fulfilling relationship that we will ever have.
I wrote this book predominantly because I wanted to know what stopped me from being an excellent follower. As I discussed these laws with others, I discovered something. I am not alone. And so in addressing these issues, I hope that you too will be both afflicted and comforted as you seek to become transparent with yourself and with God and begin to deepen your followship capabilities.
The book is on the presses! Follows is the back blurb and the table of contents and an extract from the introduction.
Do me a favour: have a look at the contents and tell me which chapter you'd most like to see featured on the blog in the poll to the right of screen. Voting closes on October 31 and the winning three Laws will be posted from October 31. Thanks for your participation...
Mark G
“Jesus calls us to follow. And we like this. What we don’t like is that there are some things Jesus talks about in following that we would rather not do…”
Everywhere we look information on leadership abounds. But what about what it takes to be a follower? Where can we learn about followship? Christian comedian and speaker, Mark Gladman, challenges us to consider 17 Irritating Laws that Jesus throws up at us as we determine to navigate the journey of Followship.
‘Mark calls us to follow Jesus, not just boast a revivalist experience. Issues that we often avoid are exposed with humour, courage, engaging story-telling, and clarity of mind. This is a necessary and stimulating read.’
John Smith, Founder, Concern Australia and God’s Squad Christian Motorcycle Club, Melbourne
‘In this book Gladman combines his love of comedy, the young, life, theology and the edgy call of Jesus. Like the author, these stories will keep you thinking.’
Mark Beresford, Chaplain, Burgmann Anglican School, Canberra
Foreword by John Smith
Part 1: Setting Off
Law 01: The Law of Beginnings and Endings
Law 02: The Law of ‘God is God’
Law 03: The Law of The Call
Law 04: The Law of Die to Live
Law 05: The Law of Yoda
Law 06: The Law of Burning Beef
Part 2: Walking On
Law 07: The Law of Radical Discipleship
Law 08: The Law of Best-Fit
Law 09: The Law of Dirty Hands
Law 10: The Law of Sheep
Law 11: The Law of Sabbath
Law 12: The Law of Denial
Law 13: The Law of Non-Possession
Law 14: The Law of Mess
Part 3: Striding Out
Law 15: The Law of Tenacity
Law 16: The Law of Aliens
Law 17: The Law of Contentment
Epilogue: When the Rubber Hits the Road – Followship in Action
Honesty forbids me from going any further until I make a confession which I hope not only sets the scene for the rest of this book but also helps you to feel safe and challenged rather than guilty and horrible.
I am a terrible follower.
Everyone who knows me and has worked with me over the past 20 years is breathing a sigh of “Finally, he’s figured it out!” But I am not alone. I would hedge a bet that every person reading these pages, if they were willing to be totally honest and fully transparent, could easily make a similar confession.
Where are the followers?
Very few people have the monopoly on excelling in what I have called followship. Awards are presented to leaders who have changed the world, changed their industries and changed the way we do things. But I know of no award offered anywhere that specifically seeks to identify, celebrate and reward excellent, competent and life transforming following.
If I were to ask you to list some of the world’s most influential leaders, a list could probably be compiled quicker than you could say “Who’s the President of the Soviet Republic this year?” But if we were to go for a list of the world’s most influential followers, would we get past five or ten people? I suppose the question is – is there anyone left who aspires to become the most amazing follower they can be?
Fact is following is hard. Hard not so much because of what a good follower is called to do, but because our human nature doesn’t like to do it. As a result, we tend to place our focus elsewhere. Usually this means equipping ourselves to become better leaders. Leading is easier, or at least it seems that way.
The missing piece
After a time, something in the human soul begins to realise that without following, something’s not quite right. Jesus calls us to follow. And we like this. What we don’t like is that there are some things Jesus talks about in following that we would rather not do.
These little irritating niggles are what this book is all about; niggles that I think are irritating and frustrating principles that face all of us as we seek to be followers. Some of them are attitudinal. Some of them are actions. Some of them are challenges. Some of them are character traits we need to develop. All of them could be hindrances to the most fulfilling relationship that we will ever have.
I wrote this book predominantly because I wanted to know what stopped me from being an excellent follower. As I discussed these laws with others, I discovered something. I am not alone. And so in addressing these issues, I hope that you too will be both afflicted and comforted as you seek to become transparent with yourself and with God and begin to deepen your followship capabilities.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Complete Foreword by John Smith
Follows is the complete foreword of 17 Irritating Laws of Followship:Rediscovering what it means to follow the radical Jesus which is due for release mid-October. The foreword was written by John Smith; significant Australian evangelist and pioneer of Christian social justice around the world. John was responsible for starting God's Squad Christian Motorcycle Club in the late 60's, (an international organisation now of which he is still International President); and Concern Australia, a Christian social justice organisation based in Melbourne which commeced it's work during the 1970's. John is still a vibrant and sought after voice and speaks regularly around the world on issues of Christian faith in gloal political and social justice contexts.
Not many stand up comics are orthodox and innovative at the same time. Mark is solid in his biblical orthodoxy but delightfully disturbing, and against the ecclesiastical government of the hour. But then when you write about the Jesus view of the world, you must be conserving ancient values and rebelling against popular opinion at the same time. That style brought Jesus’ short career to an abrupt end. This is an age of celebrated narcissism in the marketplace and the church. Mark has no more time for these aberrations than Jesus did.
Rather than a sustained argument, this is an exhilarating collection of very readable, somewhat contentious, but certainly exhilarating thoughts, on a wide variety of very relevant subjects related to true discipleship. Or maybe we should say that discipleship includes an authentic commitment to Jesus’ radical way of seeing the world in its current state. That means being part of a resistance movement that believes Jesus was right, and anything contrary to his example is wrong.
I like controversy. I hate writers pandering to the line of least resistance. I need more conversation with my friend concerning leadership. I once attended a conference entitled Every-one’s a leader. Frankly it was nonsense. I was glad to conflict just a tad in my mind with this. Because one is outstanding in performance does not necessarily equate with leadership. It meant that Mark had my attention and made me think again. Having said that, I recognize his primary point is a great insight. Mark’s proposition that at a discipleship level one never graduates from following behind Jesus is a rarely understood reality. Discipleship in ancient times was somewhat similar to true apprenticeship. The master teacher was always the master even if the apprentice had learned his lessons excellently. Following Jesus is forever. There is no graduate certificate, just a life-long commitment to emulate the master teacher.
Leadership is often displayed in contemporary preaching and tele-evangelism as a self-indulgent privilege – an ambitious climb to commanding influence and corporate success. Successful religious leadership is increasingly displayed as justifiable first-class air- fares and conspicuous housing and market driven consumption. Mark has rightly called us to get our hands dirty for others, to accept self-denial as a part of discipleship, and the see-saw of success and suffering as part of reality in a broken world.
Certainly his concept of followship, not just fellowship, is a stroke of brilliance. Follow me is a repeated challenge in the Gospels, yet most conservative Christians seem to think Ye must be born again is the only thing Jesus said. Mark calls us to follow Jesus, not just boast a revivalist experience. Issues that we often avoid are exposed with humour, courage, engaging story-telling, and clarity of mind. This is a necessary and stimulating read. If all it does is place Jesus in the centre of life’s ambitions and contradictions it will be worth considerable effort entailed in such broad strokes of his artistic brush.
John Smith
St. Martin’s Church
Collingwood, Victoria
Not many stand up comics are orthodox and innovative at the same time. Mark is solid in his biblical orthodoxy but delightfully disturbing, and against the ecclesiastical government of the hour. But then when you write about the Jesus view of the world, you must be conserving ancient values and rebelling against popular opinion at the same time. That style brought Jesus’ short career to an abrupt end. This is an age of celebrated narcissism in the marketplace and the church. Mark has no more time for these aberrations than Jesus did.
Rather than a sustained argument, this is an exhilarating collection of very readable, somewhat contentious, but certainly exhilarating thoughts, on a wide variety of very relevant subjects related to true discipleship. Or maybe we should say that discipleship includes an authentic commitment to Jesus’ radical way of seeing the world in its current state. That means being part of a resistance movement that believes Jesus was right, and anything contrary to his example is wrong.
I like controversy. I hate writers pandering to the line of least resistance. I need more conversation with my friend concerning leadership. I once attended a conference entitled Every-one’s a leader. Frankly it was nonsense. I was glad to conflict just a tad in my mind with this. Because one is outstanding in performance does not necessarily equate with leadership. It meant that Mark had my attention and made me think again. Having said that, I recognize his primary point is a great insight. Mark’s proposition that at a discipleship level one never graduates from following behind Jesus is a rarely understood reality. Discipleship in ancient times was somewhat similar to true apprenticeship. The master teacher was always the master even if the apprentice had learned his lessons excellently. Following Jesus is forever. There is no graduate certificate, just a life-long commitment to emulate the master teacher.
Leadership is often displayed in contemporary preaching and tele-evangelism as a self-indulgent privilege – an ambitious climb to commanding influence and corporate success. Successful religious leadership is increasingly displayed as justifiable first-class air- fares and conspicuous housing and market driven consumption. Mark has rightly called us to get our hands dirty for others, to accept self-denial as a part of discipleship, and the see-saw of success and suffering as part of reality in a broken world.
Certainly his concept of followship, not just fellowship, is a stroke of brilliance. Follow me is a repeated challenge in the Gospels, yet most conservative Christians seem to think Ye must be born again is the only thing Jesus said. Mark calls us to follow Jesus, not just boast a revivalist experience. Issues that we often avoid are exposed with humour, courage, engaging story-telling, and clarity of mind. This is a necessary and stimulating read. If all it does is place Jesus in the centre of life’s ambitions and contradictions it will be worth considerable effort entailed in such broad strokes of his artistic brush.
John Smith
St. Martin’s Church
Collingwood, Victoria
Friday, September 12, 2008
Book Launch
Hello Everyone,
Welcome to the discussion forum for 17 Irritating Laws of Followship. Please feel free to read, discuss and post your questions and comments as we go.
The book will be officially launched in mid-October.
Until then, enjoy reading the posts that will begint o apear in the next week or so. And stay tuned for a special, never-to-be-repeated pre-release purchase offer for the book.
Cheers and Peace,
Mark G
Welcome to the discussion forum for 17 Irritating Laws of Followship. Please feel free to read, discuss and post your questions and comments as we go.
The book will be officially launched in mid-October.
Until then, enjoy reading the posts that will begint o apear in the next week or so. And stay tuned for a special, never-to-be-repeated pre-release purchase offer for the book.
Cheers and Peace,
Mark G
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