Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Like the 1st Century Church All Over Again...

I have just got back from 8 days in Canberra and I have to tell you, it was so much like what I imagine living in the 1st Century Church would have been like.

I stayed in people's homes (with them there - thanks for putting up withe me Rhys, Anna and Lucy - and with them not there - thanks for your trust, Pip!), ate with people in their homes and out, was looked after and driven around the place (Emily Keese Lambert, I owe you big time), and spoke and did comedy in churches, youth events and schools.

There is something about the Christian value of hospitality that I was so enveloped by with these people. Especially my good friend Mark Beresford and his wife Katie. Mark and Katie helped it all happen by co-ordinating stuff. Somehow the people in Mark'c circle have a grip on hospitality and practice it to the hilt.

From the waived tab at the Iceburg Cafe run by Basement Ministries (Caitlyn, I am surely blessed) to the basket of food that Katie B made up for me when I went to stay in her sister, Pip's house, I was on the receiving end of such an amazing show of love and generosity that I have been left speechless.

I only hope that what I have been able to impart in humour and word whilst in your midst has been a blessing to you as you were to me.

Folks, I need your prayers:

I have been working on my bookings for the end of the year. God seems to always come out in the end, but please pray that my schedule becomes a little more busy than now. A few things have happened that we hope will help this.

First, an article has been printed about me in the national AOG magazine, Accent, which will be in AOG churches across the country in the next few weeks. Please pray that many of these churches get in touch and engage me for ministry, especially in the closing months of 2009. Click here to read: http://www.aog.org.au/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=KAGrArOrXpI%3d&tabid=145&mid=811&language=en-AU

Second, we have advertised with local schools my availability to deliver my new leadership workshops for Primary School leaders both at the end of this year and beginning of next. As far as we know, I am the only person in Queensland delivering this type of presentation. If you know schools that might be interested, please get them in touch with me.

Also, don't forget to follow me on Twitter - www.twitter.com/markgladman - and to keep an eye on the gig guide at www.myspace.com/markgladman

And keep the sponsor dollars for my Kokoda walk coming in: www.tinyurl.com/kokodamark

Thank you for your prayers and support.



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