Wednesday, January 21, 2009


One of the things that I do - apart from speak, write and tell jokes – is a gig with Camp Quality. CQ is a charity that assists children who are dealing with cancer and its associated treatment by giving them something to smile about in the midst of what is probably an exceedingly bleak part of their lives. Take a look at for more info.

What I do with Camp Quality is operate Giggle in Qld and NT. Giggle is an animatronic robot the size of a 6 year old child who rides a tricycle. As the operator, I follow Giggle with a remote control and visit with the children in the wards and clinics. One side of the remote operates the bike; the other Giggles head. I wear a headset mic and when I speak Giggle’s mouth moves and my voice comes out of the robot. I also wear an earpiece so I can hear what the children are saying to me. $20 says now all of you are going to go to and check out Giggle!!

So I have been in Sydney since Sunday getting to know the new robot, training with him and now, bringing him home to Qld in the Giggle van.

Over the past 4 days though, I have been meditating on a scripture. When I travel, I do so with my “Jesus Loves Porn Stars” New Testament. Apart from the conversations that get started when people see it (with Christians especially!) it is nice and small for my suitcase. I usually read NIV, but this one is The Message and I love what it has brought out for me to chew on anew.

I won’t go into everything in one entry, but consider this for starters…

“Since Jesus went through everything you are going through and more, learn to think like him. Think of your sufferings as a weaning from that old sinful habit of always expecting to get you own way. Then you’ll be able to live out your days free to pursue what God wants instead of being tyrranised by what you want.” 1 Peter 4.1ff, italics mine.

I began to italics the things I loved but I think I would have had to end up doing the whole passage!! Three keys:
1. Learn to think like Jesus. Isn’t this the answer to living the Christian life? Two problems. First, we aren’t very good at knowing how Jesus thinks (see the Intro of the book under the subtitle HCYKWJWDIYDKWHD?). And then, most of us really haven’t sacrificed our minds and had them renewed properly.
2. Expecting our own way is an old sinful habit. Let’s get this clearly in context though. Peter is saying that our wants, need and desires and expecting God will give us those just because we have them and convince ourselves (or have a Televangelist convince us for us) that God therefore has to is out of kilter with the Spirit of God. Peter is really saying here “Get into line!”
3. True freedom comes in pursuing what God wants; and our wants simply tyrannise us.

If there was ever an endorsement for the Law of Denial, then I don’t know what else is. Man has this weeks reflections been a challenge. More on that next week…

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